Our Mission
This trip and this word provided the inspiration for the VandeHei family (Jim, Autumn, Sophie, James and Kelvin) to start a foundation to incorporate the Zotheka ethos in all of their charitable endeavors. Autumn’s career as a senior government official and policy-maker in the US government and in the non-profit sector spanning over 20 years has been dedicated to empowering youth at the margins of society and advocating for reform for survivors of human trafficking, physical and sexual abuse, and the foster care system.
Our grantees will never just receive a check. Integral to The Zotheka Foundation’s mission is mentoring support for the awardees, both before and during their pursuit of higher education. We want to address the poverty completion gap for first-time, full-time students college students and know from personal experience that mentoring support is critical to successful completion of any course of study for people impacted by trauma and/or living in poverty. The end goal is creating a path to economic security as well as supporting communities and non-profits connected to the student for holistic and tangible momentum towards gainful employment and a better life.

From left to right; Jennifer Atkins, Noel Mesfin, Elvert Nunez, Michelle Millben, Canek Aguirre, Tommy Park, & Will Hanna

Jarbin presents tactical updates to his MLS Next team during halftime of a game.

Elvert Nunez, 2024 award recipient, is presented by his mentor, Jennifer Atkins.

From left to right; Jennifer Atkins, Noel Mesfin, Elvert Nunez, Michelle Millben, Canek Aguirre, Tommy Park, & Will Hanna
Get in Touch
Mailing Address:
The Zotheka Foundation
â„… Foundation Source
501 Silverside Rd, Suite 123
Wilmington, DE 19809-1377
(800) 839-1754